For Companies

Practical applications of leading-edge self-improvement methods in business

A company can be only as good
as the people in it.
Improve the people and you will improve the whole company.

It can be achieved in two major ways:
A) by finding new, better people (often impractical)
B) by improving the people you already have

I can help you in B).

I can solve a personal issue very often in one session!

High added value for people and for the company
The results are permanent, cummulative and with real impact on
the business.

Company development starts from individuals – from CEO to the last worker, from sales to IT support. Help people to be how they want to be and they will reward you with happines, performance and by success.

Two main parts of company self-improvement

1. To create more successful people that are able to achieve what they want. It is a process of increasing the probability of success by removing personal blockers in thinking and in doing.
Examples: improving self-confidence, fine-tuning of the focus, improving decision making, seeing the obstacles in the path to success, mitigation of negative attitude, liberating from past negative experiences, removing of non-functional behavioral patterns, improve relationship with success itself,…

2. Effective immediate help with personal problems.
Examples: burnout, overload, exhaustion, stress management, conflicts, feeling of immense pressure, paralyzing insecurity, fear of public speaking, fear of failing, inability to express one’s own real opinion, adaptation to changes, any kind of personal problems.

How does it work?
It’s a one-to-one talk.

Everything is done in one-to-one sessions where we search for, identify and (if necessary) change blocking patterns, emotions, thoughts, beliefs or fears that prevent a person from behaving naturally, acting from his/her higher place and working without unncecessary pressure.

My main tools are empathy, understanding of the connection between thoughts and negative emotions and very effective change of self-repeating patterns that don’t lead to desired results.

Tuned for your needs

Cooperation with a company happens either in person or by a videocall. The process of signing up for a session can be established according to your company culture (e.g. public chat channel, Doodle,  shared spreadsheet,…). Regarding the session duration, I have the best experience with two-hour sessions.

When people are really themselves,
they are happier, they have more energy and
they are much more effective in what they do.

For more information do not hesitate to contact me here.

Your company CAN change the world.

Ing. Ján Poctavek, PhD.


“I’ve tried it on myself and I see that if somebody has a problem that repetitively and negatively affects his/her life, there is a high probablility that Jan is able to help to find the source of the problem – and using a simple method to “reprogram it”.
Peter Irikovský, CEO of Exponea

“Sessions with Jan gave me the ability to know myself and to find problems deeply rooted in me, which prevented me to be the person I want to be.”